Szolyd specializes in prototyping with UHPC and cementitious materials . We work with inventors, product designers and other manufacturers to develop new concrete products to bring to the North American market.
Learn More →Szolyd has over 15 years experience casting concrete and 10 years with UHPC specifically. The variety and magnitude of projects that we have completed gives us the confidence to deliver quality castings on time regardless of scale.
Learn More →Our UHPC and ductal project experience in North America is second to none. No other team has taken on the diversity of projects that we have. This experience gives us the confidence to take on the most challenging of projects.
Learn More →Our extensive project history gives us the confidence to honestly say we can pretty much build anything. We utilize the latest in mold building techniques and materials to create our master molds.
Casting concrete is what we know. We have experience with hand cast mixes, self consolidating concrete and UHPC. Name the material, we can cast it.
A finished product does not just come out of the mold and get delivered. Our polished concrete experienced gained from our sister company, Stone Design, gives critical concrete finishing skills.